this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The GG Allin Manifesto + vids

ripped from Wikipedia...

If you believe in the real underground of Rock 'N' Roll, then now is the time to do something about it. The time is now to overthrow the current situations and declare war on the record companies, radio stations, publications, clubs, and anyone who promotes the whole so called "scene" as it now stands. We need to destroy it all and take it back from the corporate phonies and conformist. But action must be taken now and blood must be spilled. First let me tell you who I am. I was born Jesus Christ Allin in 1956 in Lancaster, NH. The Jesus Christ they preach about in the Bible is a phony imposter - just a crutch for the cripples to lean on. Fuck that weak shit! I am the man to deal with. I created myself inside the womb from the fires of Hell. There are no separations between Jesus Christ, God and the Devil, because I am all of theme. I am here to take Rock 'N' Roll back & prove to the world that I am the real king through the powers I have acquired. When I was born in 1956, Rock 'N' Roll first started taking off. Why do you think that was? Because I created it. I created Elvis. I made it all happen. Even before I was born I was plotting. But through the years everyone has let it all go. That's why I am ready to take it all back. Nobody has held on. Nobody has had the indurence to finish what they were set out to fucking do. They all let me down or I took their lives for a purpose. I was the one who was throwing all the monkey wrenches into the gears. But money and commercialism made them all sell out. Even Iggy let me down. The Sex Pistols let me down. Sid let me down when he fell in love (that's why they are all dead). And now we have the Ramones praising bands like Guns N' Roses, which runs against everything they were set out to destroy. But now it's 1991. This is the decade for the final bloody mutilation. Time to get Rock 'N' Roll out of the hands of the masses and back to the people who will not accept comfort or conformity at any cost. Then I will commit suicide on stage and the blood of Rock 'N' Roll will become the poison of the Universe forever. Take a look around and see what's happening. Spineless record companies kissing the mainstreams ass, being pressured by the money media and politicians. So called cutting edge radio stations as fucking lame as the stations they oppose. Censorship publications kissing the monkey suits asses, who in turn, are kissing someone else's ass. Even so called "underground" publications have no fucking desire to get blood on their hands. They are too busy crying about how we can make the world a more wonderful place and how politically correct they can be. Talk is fucking cheap. It's time to fight. It's time for revenge. We need to overthrow Rock 'N' Roll as it now stands. We must bring down record companies by not buying their products. A boycot. If you have to have a record, steal it. That way they wont get your money. We've got to stop feeding them. Your support must now go to me - GG Allin, the commanding leader and terrorist of Rock 'N' Roll. Why do you think I am in prison right now? Because they know who I am and they fear my reality. Our society wants to stop my mission. They want to brain wash you and keep you locked into MTV, and their stagnating, safe worlds. It's a plot to kill Rock 'N' Roll. I am the savior. Thats why I am considered a threat to society. This is what you should do: Go to your record store and buy all the GG ALLIN recordings you can find. If they dont have any in stock, tell them to order some. If they refuse, then do what you have to do.

Call radio stations and demand GG Allin. Spray paint "GG ALLIN" everywhere. Make them aware that the disease and the Scumfuc tradition is still spreading. Write "GG ALLIN" on all your dollar bills. Any bills you have. People do not throw money away, so it would be a free way to get the message out. You must do it every day of your life. We must live for the Rock 'N' Roll underground. It CAN be dark and dangerous again. It CAN be threatning to our society as it was meant to be. IT MUST BE UNCOMPROMISING. And with me as your leader, it will happen. I am ready to lead you, my allies, into the real Rock 'N' Roll underground. Let's get started.

G.G. Allin (Jesus Christ Allin)


ripped from youtube...

Peace Corpse / Last Night Ruled

Q: How do you throw an after party?
A: We are Devo!

no, wait wrong one...

A: Take out all of the furniture in your front two rooms and then fucking wrap the whole damn thing in Reynolds Wrap and put obscured blue and red light over it and also stock the fridge with beers.

But lets back up...
Local Musician Esteban had a going away party at La Luz, which is a clothing and furniture store across from Polvo's. He's going to Spain but first he played in a one time band consisting of him on drums, Martin and Paul from Brazos, and Josh from Peel. They were called Peace Corpse which is far too good a name to only be used for one gigs. I found some awesome shoes there (white snakeskin loafers!) for like 35 bucks but they were size 8s, the guy ("Ace") whose store it is is going to find me some and sell em to me. White Snake Skin Loafers! They were fucking amazing.

Anyways I had had the good fortune of asking Martin for a gig recently and he stuck me on the bill as Ethan, Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele. There was only one ukulele song, the rest were on guitar. I had to borrow a guitar because the PA was small and couldnt really pick up. If I could do it all over again, we would have run my classical guitar through an amp. It was pretty well received, lots of "it sounds like Jon Richman + ____" which is pretty fucking close to the highest compliment a person can give a man in my book. Im going to have to play more shows. Plus afterwards inside there were plenty of places to sit down.

Also, there was an amazing vegetable tray.

Anyways I would like to continue with this blog but me and Shane are headed to Home Depot to get the wood for the stage!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Liars----Nicest Band Ever

that's all. Saw em tonight. They were fucking awesome. I haven't been so "scared" since US Maple, which is to say if I had been 17 at the show like for US Maple I probably would have been legitimately scared of Angus. Awesome. Before you call me a puss, at the US Maple show the entire band pointed at me (only me) and screamed "WHAT!?!?!" over and over and over again and I totally didnt know what to do. I wish I could go back to that show...

Dan Deacon---Best Worst Show Ever

Dan Deacon played Mohawk last night. I got a new positive and negitive male role model out of the deal which is good. Thats sort of an aside. There were about 40 technical difficulties that at a certain point could only be solved/unsolved with significantly more whiskey. IPods Fuck up. Thats a fact. Its all in how you recover. If it involves a 10 minute Lord of the Rings rant you are probably headed in the right direction, especially if its actually funny. I forced the issue and went crowd surfing. It only worked marginally well, but that counts for something. Saw about a million people i knew and wished I had seen more often/regularly. Dan F Doyle was there playing with When Dinos Ruled the Earth and we talked about music for a long time which sucked because it meant we couldnt think of anything else to talk about, so at some point i figured out that I needed to apologize because weve been having parties and i havent been as proactive as I should be about getting the word out to the nice people I would have a good time partying with if only I had remembered to send them an invitation. SO thats my new years resolution, and let this be my public apology to all of you.

Tonight is the Liars show. I think I might be on track to get a D in Spanish. I have not made a D in college yet, but apparently the beauty of Spanish 4 in your last semester is you will still graduate if you get a D and you can be like "I got a D but hey, I just graduated college!" My parents still pay my car insurance and they will be pissed as hell tho, cause I think that means there is no discount for good grades at that point.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson....

I'm just not sure what. Thursday we played an all funk set at a hip-hop party. Only thing is we didn't know any funk songs. Or how to play funk. Something was taken away from this valuable experience. I wont try to put to fine a point on it. After the set (3 songs) Chris played solo drums and people rocked the fuck out. That was pretty brilliant. Really the only bad thing that came out of it was that I burned the clothes I was going to wear for the gig Sunday on it. It actually turned out to be OK, I found some new ones. WHEW!!!

In other news Ecstatic Sunshine played in our basement Tuesday and it was amazing. Low Red Center opened and is my new favorite local band. I know I really like a band when I get jealous watching them specifically thinking ("why didnt i think of that/work hard and do it first?!") I guess I could be more life-affirming.

Strangely, I didn't get that feeling with the Dirty Projectors who played the next night at Emos with Ecstatic Sunshine. Maybe I'm past it with that one band in particular? I can't explain it. They are my favorite favorite band. I just love them.

So this week saw a house show Tuesday (w/preceding band practices), DPs Wednesday, impromptu funk gig Thursday, now its Yom Kippur and then we play again Sunday. Also we had some Parisian filmmakers stay at our house (Felix and Tristan) and I took a day to entertain them with the best Austin had to offer (greenbelt cliff jumping, a Dirty Projectors show).

One day ill be a student again....

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Beauty Bar

So last night I'm waiting in line to see Low Budget and Smalltown Pete at Beauty Bar. I get to the front of the long ass line only to hear the doorman say, "Sorry, we're only letting in girls right now."

I'm the first person in line for about 15 mnutes. After watching plenty of California drivers license carrying guestlisters and tube top wearing bitches walk in front of me, I was finally let in and it wasn't even crowded inside.

M.I.A.'s name was on the flyer as the "host" of the event. Friends I met in line, and I assume many others, were under the impression that she was doing a performance. Although I knew this wouldn't happen and that she would only be supporting her tour DJ, Low Budget, she wasn't even there by the time I left at 1:15. It is a shame because the sunken seating area inside Beauty Bar was roped off as "reserved" and had someone guarding it, obviously for her. It was empty. Is this Beauty Bar's idea of a V.I.P. room?

Okay Beauty Bar. Create false buzz for our event by ambiguously throwing M.I.A.'s name on the flyer, create even more fake demand by forcing a line when there needn't be one, try to pad the ratio of men to women at the expense of us guys who just want to see some world-class DJs, and then rope off an area for special people who don't even show up.

This shouldn't happen.

"palomar bay" video

I put together this video yesterday with some music that I recorded two years ago. The video comes from a set of stairs half-submerged in a canal.

We livin in-a-gadda-da-vida (baby)

last night Shane said to me "this house is the best thing thats ever happened to us" and I had been thinking the same thing just a minute prior. It has a power. Ultimate partying power. We set em up, you knock me down, and the BYOB thing totally works. The first party we had was great, but afterwards it was like "that was a great party." Last night was great but it was more like "holy shit we can do this over and over again to the same results and thats going to be financially feasible because we .

You know call it a lack of imagination on our part. When we first saw the place we were quick to the draw ("well take it!") and credit us for that, but I don't think any of us saw this coming. The house has a power man. "Man, I helped clean up a party here like SEVEN years ago!" "Oh yeah, man we played a show here, god, like THREE years ago!" Same shit over and over again. Everyone knows where it is. It makes me want to buy the house and spend whatever it needs to undilapidate it because the foundation is so fucked and with property values in this neighborhood, no way it will still be here in 10 years. Time to buy some lottery tickets I guess.

The show last night was fucking incredible. All 3 bands killed. Transmography left a bunch of compilation CDs around from the 8088 record collective thing they are doing. It has "Prime Numbers" on it which is probably my favorite song by them. Frazier has a sticker on his keyboard that says "Titanic was an Inside Job." I left the instructions for how to get one ("google smear campaign") in my text message box. Im going to get one of those and a Ron Paul 08 sticker and stick em both on my car.

The banana shaker almost walked off but didn't and at some point I ended up playing it with The Black. That led to me forcing Shane's sax upon him and making him play which was sort of an into the fire type situation that would have gone better had he been able to, you know, like, know the song (or the key) first. Sax is not like guitar, its way harder for that sort of thing.

Shane and Chris figured out a novel traffic control system and the front door never really was opened. We did have 2 doorknobs broken during the course of the party. But hey man, shit happens when you party hard....

Like listening to In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida twice (that one was my bad). I think someone cut it off in the middle the second time which was probably wise.

Zach finally played me some Magma which was really cool. I didn't realize Magma is the Karl Orff of prog.

Friday, September 14, 2007

From the Vault...

wayyyyy ex-When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth on our (well, it was their) backyard stage. Bury me with my Gun-99 Problems. And no, a bitch aint one.

Coming up...

Monday, September 3, 2007

If you like makin' love at midnight