this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

whad i do anyways 2014

shouldn't i like have a record of what i did, n stuff?

Pizza Shop that was this year oh yeah, I had to have a job before that right?  Workin hard or hardly workin?  I really wanna pizza shoppe it again some in 2015, I really like it.  I just get so excited for pie !!!

Least fun family vacation of all time.  I dont remember what I did after that

Probably getting ready for sxsw?

We did sxsw big....7 Party Plants shows.  There was an ESCAPES with 33 bands at 1808.  Burger pool party at Julians, it was too cold to get in the pool, but the Fajitas were great !

I think I started working at the pizza shop around here, it may have been May.  East Side Pies on Airport I was so happy and proud and stuff to be working 33 hrs a week.

just doin band stuff, workin at the pizza shop.  Towards the end started smoking weed before work too often, probably.  Took up skateboarding.  Tried to fit in with the guys but it just wasnt working out.  Guys are like girls, you just gotta show up and not care, or something.  Then they will fuck you, eww totally gross, NOT.  So not into that.  none of that gay shit.  Also banging the coworker, what do you work at a pizza shop or something?  Ive never done it, Ive heard its fucking commonplace as all hell, but all the girls that worked there had boyfriends, I didnt want to go head to head with anyone cause I got bigger fish to fry and plus I can get my own shit right?  Have a little self respect !!  Felt real beat down by the end of that tho, coudnt write good songs cause all the words I wrote sounded like they were written by a pussy, which sucked, but I kinda knew it was cause I backed down.  But it all worked out later cause fuck that guy he sucks dick !!!!!!     Bigger fish to fry .....

I "retired" from the pizza game, with some chagrin, some time around here.  Some dude didnt like me there and then the whole pirate ship turned on me.  It was a smoke out.

Turned 29 !!  That definitely happened.  Sitting around feeling like blah blah blah or whatever.  Had a lot of money saved up and felt really bad about spending it on just not having a job, that felt stupid.

November 7th big day, got picked up for SNOW WITE tour.  That went from Austin at that point (the tour itself started in LA) to

Tour continued, went back to detroit for the best 2 weeks of my life, and then back to Austin for xmas.  Played that Bill Baird show at the house.

JAN 2015
began work on Personal Art Project ZINE / SXSW ..... had idea to start a Label finally.  Thats gonna be dependent on if I make money though I think.  I have to sell some shit just to make it to march without getting a job, which is weird cause Im trying to get a job/?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Snow Wite tour recap / odds and ends

Its been too long, fearless blog readers.  I made the intelligent decision of not bringing my laptop on tour, but that is not helping me with my issues with the "l" key.  isnt it annoying when you have to press down extra hard on one key all the time and it fucks with your flow?   I love you all

Ok, so November 7th, 2014 was a cool day.  We (Party Plants) played a show with Snow Wite and Period Bomb....well, we didnt actually play the show with them cause we got them hooked up with a $$ gig, which as we all know touring bands all need $$, and then there was a kegger at my place afterwards.  That went really late, some shit went down with their drummer , who is the type of dude that does a lot of psychedelics, very psychedelic dude, Gus, and voila, we got tacos with our dates* (my date in this instance was my roommate Fernando) the next morning and then they went off somewhere random, no one could get in touch with them, and then I was the new drummer for Snow Wite tour.  I was Snow Wite's 9th drummer, I liked to tell people it was kinda like Beethoven's 9th symphony, ya know?  duh duh duh duuuuhhhh.  duh duh duh duuuuuh.  Anywhos, we crammed in the car (5 ppl in a Subaru was tight) and headed up to a show in Ft Worth that night.  I had only tried out on 4 of the songs, so we listened to the record on repeat on the drive to Ft Worth and I was trying to memorize where the parts change and stuff.  Played there and Dallas and long drived it (7 hrs) straight to Kansas City, which is not actually a horrible idea if you wanna just get to the midwest, cause then boom you just went straight from Texas to the Midwest.  Id never thought of it like that.  I guess Kansas City was day 3 of shows.  I didnt really have my sealegs yet, I faded with the night.  Our hosts were in a band called Dated, who were fucking amazing, and amazing ppl, Brock and Erica.  Brock gave me a sick recipie that is going in my personal art project zine for sxsw, which will not be on the internet, and probably cost me money to make, hopefully ppl will give me donations.

Anyways, its boring to type this all out, and plus its all my gossip, you gotta ask me in person, I guess its all my info, which is shitty mainly because I want to write it out, but its not really mine to share, whereas ESCAPES i can write out everything that happens.

But it was awesome there was some good stories, totally would roll w that crew again.