this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spiked Punch @ Escapes V:

video taken by khrysteen samreth

Sunday, March 14, 2010

ESCAPES SCHEDULE (pretty final)

EEE sssss c aaaa Pppp EEE sssssssssssss
EEEE SSSss cCCC a a P EEEE sSSSsssssss

Also...there is an RSVP if you want to be on it. It doesnt help or prevent you get in the shows, its just for if we need to send out an email last minute. Everything is first come first serve until we are full....Thursday and Saturday are the only ones where you should maybe worry about this...Thursday is capacity 450 and Saturday capacity 125, but you can probably see and hear from the street in both cases

Free coffee and grilled c h e e s e

Tuesday, March 16th @ CLUB 1808, 12th and Chicon
5 PM - 2 AM

(5 PM) Traffique (mems. Peter and the Wolf)
Spiked Punch
Jennifer Ellen Cook
(6 PM) Archibald Adams and his shimmering war choir
(7 PM) Sleep Good
Soft Healer
(8 PM) Spells (formerly known as Moth Fight)
Wizzard Sleeve
Female Demand
(9 PM) Pataphysics
Geoff Reacher
A Faulty Chromosome
(10 PM) Follow that Bird
No Mas Bodas
(11 PM) Bodytronix
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
Magic Jewels
(12 AM) Lord Scrummage
Reverse X Rays
(1 AM)Quiet hooves
Daniel Francis Doyle
Computer Jesus Refrigerator


Wednesday, March 17th @ Club 1808, 12th and Chicon
noon - 10 PM

noon - Boys Who Say No
1230 - Geoff Reacher
1 - hermit thrushes
130 - Wild Yaks
2 - spiked punch
230 - Many Mansions
3 - Reading Rainbow
330 - The Beets
4 - How I Quit Crack / Caves Caverns (sftp presents)
430 Metal Bunnies
500 Nice Nice
530 Terror Pigeon
6 Male Bonding
630 Peter and the Wolf
7 Reverse X Rays
730 Popo
8 Prince Rama
830 Quiet Hooves
9 Light Pollution
930 Still Flyin'

plus Phantom Bands playing Acoustic until ????
look fer / Bubbly Mommy Gun, You and Me....many many more


Thursday, March 18th @ Big Parking Lot, 306 E 3rd Street (3rd and Trinity)
11 AM - 8 PM

11am ---- YAHOWHA13
(look this stuff up extensively on youtube, here are some hilites--- health food funded psych music cult decades in the making, hang-gliding death, annie hall, half-baked psychedelic groove, genuine weirdness before death)
okay i'm vaguely pumped about this but ooo the mythology of it
12 Videohippos
1230 Zs
1 When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth
130 So Cow
2 Rainbow Arabia
230 Lord Jeff
3 Lord Scrummage
330 Spiked Punch
4 Soft Healer
430 Prince Rama of Ayodhya
5 Reverse X Rays
530 Quiet Hooves
6 Tobacco (main guy from Black Moth Super Rainbow)
630 These Are Powers
7 Acid Mothers Temple (until 8)


Friday, March 19th @ Downtown Burgers, 310 E 3rd Street (3rd and Trinity)
11 AM - 8 PM

11 Boys Who Say No
1130 John Bellows
12 The Splinters
1230 Spiked Punch
1 Computer Jesus Refrigerator
130 Truman Peyote
2 Grandchildren
230 Attic Ted
3 Turbo Fruits / PC Worship
330 Hermit Thrushes
4 Brazos
430 Liturgy
5 Videohippos
530 Reverse X Rays
6 ** Very secret guests email us and we'll tell you all of them*
630 Lord Scrummage
7 Quiet Hooves
730 Beach Fossils


Saturday, March 20th @ Sneak Attack, 2nd and Guadaloupe in the back of city hall
noon - 8 PM

1 Lord Scrummage
2 Total Slacker
3 Sonny and the Sunsets
4 The Weird Weeds
5 Follow That Bird!
6 Reverse X Rays / Spiked Punch
7 Quiet Hooves
8 Beach Fossils

w/ special guests LITURGY, Bubbly Mommy Gun

Monday, March 8, 2010

Scowering Showlist, non Escapes PIXXX

So Im going to be basically unable to go to this shit but

Robert Wyatt (4:30pm) at Mellow Mushroom

Thursday night this will be fun, although you are gonna have to find it
Real Estate, Woods, Eternal Tapestry, Pocahaunted, Beach Fossils, Silent Land Time Machine at a house off of 30th and Red River (near Austin vet hospital) [7:30pm]

also good shows at beerland and trailor space, and the pitchfork show looks good this year to me

Josh Duke // Martin Crane // T-Minus???

Hey yall. Had a great night at a bar last week. The bar was Club Deville, the day of the week was Wednesday, the cover was $3, and the occasion was a double solo show featuring Josh Duke and Martin Crane. Josh aka Al Tiburon (i believe thats how you spell it) has been working up some mad euro-revival tracks down the block at Baby Blue for the past x number of months. Most of it is done in MIDI and then he lays some unaffected vocals down on top. This was his first show since a technical fiasco of a debut a few months ago at Baby Blue. It was a first show where things went right (aka a second show). The friends showed up, the PA sounded great and the songs keep developing. Lots of nice things to say, but I'm sure there will be future shows and refinements in the future.

Martin has freaking been beamed to another planet. I dont know if this world is ready for him, but somehow he is writing shit better than his old shit. Once the material is with the full band it is going to be undeniable, I can't wait. Breakthru artist 20.

In other news, you may have noticed a little thing called SXSW is coming up. We are booking something like 100 bands. I am going to blog about it here at nightly (hopefully), because that will be the only way to have a record of most the things that happened, and I will have a better festival if i am processing information as we go and not all at once. This shit is gonna be nuts. Still so much work to do, but there are so many good bands coming in and playing Escapes III, IV, V, VI, and VII, that is is really going to be a moment in time and space to remember. Pray to the sunshine gods for me... (Oh, and its T minus 8 days now)