this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Words of Rancho

Rancho-themed Wordle .

Jamaica Girls

Hey there bloggermaniacs, I haven't forgotten about you.

Jamaica Girls (insert Spiked Punch joke here) put this record out in 1983 and it was mixed by Larry Levan. It's funky.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some badass shit coming up

I have to say, my life hasn't been going perfect lately...this extended unemployment is sort of taking a toll on me mentally, but badass shows make me feel real good so I am psyched about this shit...hope to see you there!

Friday at Rancho, a nice heavy bill, free:
themed "Rancho Undead Night" cause we are back from the dead

Magic Jewels
Peter Panic
Drum Cats (Stephanie B + Art)

Monday, July 6th at Club 1808, $5 for 5 bands!
guaranteed to be a special night

PRINCE RAMA OF AYODHYA (from Boston, played over sxsw, fucking amazing shit)
Silent Land Time Machine
Silver Pines
Spiked Punch
The Roman Candles (from san fran, acoustic punkyness)

and then also
July 10th at Rancho (buy merch, or suggested donation):
Spiked Punch (tour kickoff fundraiser) w / Literature, more TBA

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Download the Diamond Minds EP

Download the EP here.

You can buy a physical copy at the Lambert's show Saturday night!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I want to build a mini-golf course so badly.

"Better science through mini-golf may not immediately sound like an educational breakthrough, but there are a couple of reasons for optimism. First, there’s the native genius for this sport. While American students keep getting outscored in international science tests, American mini-golf designers have long led the world in technologies like windmill obstacles, loop-de-loops, moving drawbridges, laughing pirates and steaming volcanoes."

Michael Jordan Highlight Reel

Saturday, June 13, 2009

lets go see Phish

"whoooos comin with me?"

the casual fan may want to skip to part 2 of the video, where they are jumping on trampolines...

Friday, June 12, 2009

pleasure principle by parlet (1978)

info from the motherpage

side a
1 - pleasure principle
2 - love amnesia
3 - cookie jar (my favorite)

side b
1 - misunderstanding (another favorite)
2 - are you dreaming?
3 - mr. melody man


Hope to see you all at the Noise vs. House show tonight, but in other news here's a track from the hip-hop record I produced. It will be released next Saturday night at Lambert's.

Diamond Minds - Cavalier


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Country Plays Country

Hey so here is Country's first performance, opening for Sir Richard Bishop at Rancho Relaxo January 2008 for Zach's Birthday. Video by Blake Buesnel, check his shit out

(Blake's youtube channel ...

Im in the PCL and have no headphones so I actually have no idea what this sounds like, but it looks great!

Country Plays Country:

Also, this one predates us, and I can't listen to it, but I feel like it has a place on this post as well:

also glad this is on youtube....happened at the house when no one was there, everyone over at Schwaushfest: The Unveiling.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Favorite Song

Hey there blogger-maniacs. I feel like I haven't been living up to my responsibilities as a blogger. After all, this is the 502nd post on the Casa Vista blog. You, the reader, deserve more!

My job was out of control the past month, but I'm ready to recommit myself to the blogoworld. Here's a song by the one and only Smokey Robinson.

Smokey Robinson - Special Occasion

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What the Driven Drink

These are the lyrics to a Thee Oh Sees song called "What the Driven Drink" off the "Sucks Blood" LP. Thee Oh Sees are my favorite band, and to my knowlege these lyrics don't exist anywhere else on the interweb and are at times unintelligible from the record...i got em from the source via myspace inquiry. fuck ya myspace! fuck ya Dwyer! This song kicks ass...

What The Driven Drink

so, what do you think
they would have us drink, when all drivers pull aside?
will it be cool crisp and clear will it be drugs?
so we dont care anymore.and oh, lo and behold its like a driver whos lost all control.

so, lets not be bold, and ruin times as of yet unfolded and cry out "homicide" cool crisp and clear , drugs so we can go get out of here, and oh lo and behold its like a driver whos lost all control.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Austin Band of The Summer: Spiked Punch

whoa 500th post? how did that happen? I hearby resolve in the next 500 posts there will be more about cooking. There. I said it. For now I'm going to write a little intro-essay to a lil' band called Spiked Punch. And there will be some properly linked up photos for the h8ers/ladiez.

So, like, what's the deal with Spiked Punch?

Spiked Punch is a reggae band
Spiked Punch does not play in Eb.
Spiked Punch wears their bathing suits
The biggest problem Spiked Punch has is figuring out how to spend all the money* (*figuring out how to keep the gear safe while we go swim after the show)
Spiked Punch passes out in their cars
Spiked Punch jumps off things into water
Spiked Punch practices backflips
Spiked Punch works the night shift
Spiked Punch wants to play your friend's birthday party
Spiked Punch wants to play a frat party
Spiked Punch knows how to hold a pinata
Spiked Punch has smoked the weed of different famous rappers
Spiked Punch is not afraid of playing bad shows
Spiked Punch plays where ever, whenever
Spiked Punch takes gigs on extremely short notice
Spiked Punch has swagger
Spiked Punch are vanity bloggers
Spiked Punch will one day be a badass band.

add your own...

No gig is too small for Spiked Punch

Spiked Punch parties with these guys...

Spiked Punch smoked a bowl with Dr. Zhvago

this is post 499

im cheating