TUESDAY MARCH 11th at Club 1808 ESCAPES XVII "The Royal Rumble" 3 STAGES! This show is free until 9 PM, after 9 PM there is a $5 cover.
1 AM -- Rich Aucoin
12:30 AM -- Jack Topht (Buffalo)
12:00 AM -- Happy Jawbone Family Band (solo, Vermont, Mexican Summer)
11:30 PM -- Twin Steps (Oakland)
11:30 PM -- Party Plants
11:00 PM -- Polio Club
10:30 PM -- Big Muff Radio (memb Cretin Stompers, Memphis)
10:30 PM -- Yvette (Bklyn)
10:00 PM -- Reverse X Rays
9:30 PM -- Habits (L.A.)
9:30 PM -- Slugbug
9:00 PM -- Pataphysics
8:30 PM -- Vulture Shit (nyc)
8:30 PM -- Spazzkid (L.A.)
8:00 PM -- Basketball Shorts
7:30 PM -- Gym Shorts (Providence, RI)
7:30 PM -- David Longoria
7:00 PM -- Bent Shapes (Boston)
6:30 PM -- Taiga
6:30 PM -- Stickers
6:00 PM -- Bear Donkey
5:30 PM -- Buckley's Angel (Houston)
5:30 PM -- Clouder (NY/NC)
5:00 PM -- Dead Stars (Bklyn)
4:30 PM -- Jay Arner (Vancouver, Mint Recs)
4:30 PM -- Mozes and the Firstborn (The Netherlands, Burger Recs)
4:00 PM -- Reignbeau (Albuquerque, NM)
3:30 PM -- AkUa (Toronto)
3:00 PM -- J Fernandez (Chicago, Pretty All Right Recs)
2:30 PM -- Killer BOB
2:30 PM -- Hunter Jones
2:00 PM -- The Shut Ups (ex-Transmography, last minute had to cancel :( )
1:30 PM -- Leverage Models
1:00 PM -- Roses (providence, ri)
**THURSDAY 3/13 @ 1171 Graham St -- house party!!
Indoor Kids, Party Plants, Cloud Becomes Your Hand, Killer Bob, +1 band CBYH/KB added, their friends, proggy coolness
FRIDAY 3/14 -- ESCAPES XVIII "ppp presents: Private Pool Party" -- Party Plants, Habibi, Each Other, Tops, Cherry Glazerr, Advaeta, Big Bill, Naked Pictures, Mathematique, Happy Jawbone Family Band, Mozes and the Firstborn
SATURDAY 3/15 --- ESCAPES XIX "Saturday Morning Cartoons" @ Club 1808, noon - 6 PM -- FREE
530 Tiombe Lockhart (atl/nyc)
430 Neighbors (nyc)
330 Dry Heeves (lubbock)
3 Tops (montreal)
230 Sean Nicholas Savage (edmonton)
2 Veda Moon (lubbock)
130 ZIEMBA (nyc)
1 Dylan III (berlin)
SATURDAY 3/15 ---ESCAPES XX, Very Late Nite @ UP Collective, 8 PM - 6 AM, w/ Little Wild, Jack Topht, Advaeta, Mathematique, Bataille Solaire, Party Plants, Big Bill, Cosmic Dust Ambient Cello until 6 AM. Moonsicles had to drop b/c their gear got stolen, Each Other dropped because they were passing the fuck out, but theyre still cool guys. My phone situation was fucked, but Killer Bob and Cloud Becomes Your Hand were supposed to play but i couldnt get in touch with them.
14 - 19 March 2011 @ Club 1808, + etc - Austin, TXFREE
CLUB 1808 is @ 1808 E. 12th street, cross street Chicon.
Monday March 14 @ CLUB 1808
ESCAPES V "Virgin Kickoff, Maiden Voyage" (football / nautical theme)
1:00am Zorch vs. Best Fwends (Austin, TX)
12:40 Spiked Punch (Austin, TX)
12:20 Grandchildren (Philidelphia, PA)
12:00 Blissed Out (Brooklyn, NY)
11:40 Cartright (Austin, TX)
11:20 Fresh Millions (Austin, TX)
11:00 Computer Jesus Refrigerator (San Antonio, TX)
10:40 light pollution (Chicago, IL)
10:20 Daniel Francis Doyle (Austin, TX)
10:00 Marmalakes (Austin, TX)
9:40 Twin Killers (Baton Rouge, LA)
9:20 Bambara (Athens, TX)
9:00 Eets Feets (Austin, TX)
8:40 Fm Campers (Austin, TX)
8:20 No Mas Bodas (Austin, TX)
8:00 Xry (San Antonio, TX)
7:40 Springs (Austin, TX)
7:20 Lean Hounds (Austin, TX)
7:00 Bradford Kinney (Austin, TX0
6:00 zorch happy hour
*charming acoustic sounds provided by Sea of Dogs
*psychedelic intermission sounds provided by Multi-tracker.
Tuesday March 15th @ CLUB 1808
1:40am (((special guests)))
1:20am Reverse X Rays (Austin, TX)
1:00am (((secret guest)))
12:40 Night Manager (Brooklyn, NY)
12:20 Lord Scrummage (Detroit, MI)
12:00 Quiet Hooves (Athens, GA)
11:40 (((special guests)))
11:20 Grandchildren (Philadelphia, PA)
11:00 Florene (Denton, TX)
10:40 Digshoveldig (Asheville, NC)
10:20 (((special guests)))
10:00 Bubbly Mommy Gun (Athens, GA)
9:40 (((special guests)))
9:00 Boys Life (Austin, TX)
8:40 Mole People (Austin, TX)
8:20 Roo
8:00 Lead pip
7:40 How I Quit Crack (Austin, TX)
7:20 Nude Sunrise (Chicago, IL)
7:00 Sweet Bulbs (New York, NY)
6:40 The Great Valley
6:20 Christmas
6:00 Dylan Ettinger (Bloomington, IN)
5:30 Light Pollution (Chicago, IL)
5:00 BL§§D ØU† (New York, NY)
Wednesday March 16th @ CLUB 1808
1:20am Reverse X-Rays (Austin, TX)
1:00am Dominique Young Unique (Tampa, FL)
12:40 Zorch (Austin, TX)
12:20 Janka Nabay (Sierra Leone)
12:00 Delicate Steve (New Jersey)
11:40 Prince Rama (Brooklyn, NY)
11:20 Quiet Hooves (Athens, GA)
11:00 Fungi Girls (Cleburne, TX)
10:40 Bubbly Mommy Gun (Athens, GA)
10:20 Bird Names (Athens, GA)
10:00 Grimes (Montreal, QC)
9:20 (((secret guests)))
9:00 Lord Scrummage (Detroit, MI)
8:40 Low Times
8:20 The Great Valley
8:00 Dreamboat (Providence, RI)
7:40 Doldrums (Tulsa, OK)
7:20 Neon Windbreaker (Toronto, ON)
7:00 Rich Aucoin (Halifax, NS)
Thursday I heard about this cool Coop show, I dont know how you are supposed to figure out which one tho...
Thursday, March 17th @ Secret Coop by Castillian
9:00 special guest
8:00 christmas
7:00 POPO
6:00 Florene
5:00 quiet hooves vs. bubbly mommy gun
4:00 EAR PWR
3:00 Sore Eros
2:00 Eats Feets
1:00 sea of dogs
Friday March 18th @ Dogwood (715 West 6th Street)
ESCAPES @ Dogwood
220 (OUT) Amen Dunes
140 (IN) Great Valley
1 (OUT) Boys Life
1220 (IN) Human Resources (nyc)
1140 (OUT) Bubbly Mommy Gun
Saturday March 19th @ 6th and Waller
1:00am Mans Trash (Athens, GA)
12:30 Bubbly Mommy Gun (Athens, GA)
midnight Janka Nabay (Sierra Leon)
11:30 Prince Rama (Brooklyn, NY)
11:00 Quiet Hooves (Athens, GA)
10:30 special guests
10:00 400 Blows (LA, CA)
9:00 Birds of Avalon (Raleigh, NC)
8:30 Pterodactyl (Brooklyn, NY) VS. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (Austin, TX)
8:00 Holy Wave (Austin, TX)
7:30 Soft Healer (Austin, TX)
7:00 Computer Jesus Refrigerator (San Antonio, TX)
6:30 Spiked Punch ?
6:00 Delicate Steve (New Jersey)
5:30 Lord Scrummage (Detroit, MI)
5:00 Digshoveldig (Asheville, NC)
4:30 christmas
4:00 Sweet Bulbs (New York, NY)
3:30 Pat Jordache (Montreal, QC)
3:00 Ava Luna (Brooklyn, NY)
2:00 Maps and Atlases (Chicago, IL) VS. Baths (Chatsworth, CA)
1:30 Zorch (Austin, TX)
1:00 Sean Nicholas Savage (Montreal, QC)
12:30 Quilt (Boston, MA)
Noon Supercluster (Athens, GA)
Casa Vista: Event 1: SXSW extraveganza, Peter and The Wolf, The Strange Boys, Reverse X-Rays, Okmoniks, Brimstone Howl, Shot X Shot, The Blank Tapes, The Narrow Escapes, Crotch on Fire
Event 2: "An early evening of experimental electronic music" 3/22/07 w/Mom,, Mr. Inventor, and short solo sets by Casa Vista house members
Event 4: 7/7/07 -Lucky 7s ... w The Black, Sunset, Texas Kill Country (only performance ever! ex-Big Money Crew), JChu, Ethan Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele, Record Breakers, Majora e Minora, DJ Cockblock, DJ Radicon
RanchO RelaxO: Event 1: Sat 9/8/07 (midnight-4:30) Dance Party Midnight Soiree, Erich and JT delivering the DJing goods
Event 2: Fri 9/14/07 Danny Hue and the Colors (Brooklyn), The Black, Transmography, DJ Abe
Event 3: Tues 9/18/07 Ecstatic Sunshine w/Reverse X-Rays, Low Red Center, DJ Radicon
Event 4: Fri 10/26/07 Ethan's 22nd Birthday Party: w/Yellow Fever, Reverse X-Rays, Dr. Dream and the Malpractice
Event 5: Fri 12/14/07 - Dan Doyle presents: Yellow Fever, Daniel Francis Doyle, The Numerators (Lubbock), La Panza (Lubbock), Nervous Tics (Chris + Shane = noise) and DJ Brisket
Event 6: Sat 1/26/08 - Zach Stacy's 20! with SIR RICHARD BISHOP, Weird Weeds, Country & Ethan Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele, Gary Barftits/Aunt's Analog, Jonathan from Plutonium Farmers, and Ralph White
Event 7: Wednesday, Feb 13th, 2008: Nat Baldwin (of Dirty Projectors), Ethan Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele, The Spirit of Space, and David Israel
Event 8: Friday, March 21st, 2008: SXSW 08 extraveganza (KVRX and Impose Magazine present): Donny Hue and the Colors, The Minetta, The Black, Mouser, Guiet Hooves, Fiction, Team Robespierre, Ecstatic Sunshine, Citay, Peter and the Wolf, Ethan Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele, The Hunnies, DD/MM/YYYY, Transmography, Video Hippos, Reverse X-Rays (one song acoustic), and Rainbow Arabia (acoustic)
Event 9: Thursday May 1st, 2008--W-S Burn CD release show, w/ Weird Weeds, Precious Blood, boy./Battle Bend (tour kickoff)
Event 9.cali: Friday May 2nd, 2008 - CCRMA MA/MST Concert - LIVE electronical-stylee performaces from the likes of BaekSan, Maxitron, Adnan Marquez-Borbon, Jeffrey Cooper, the real Kyle Spratt, and other 2008 CCRMA MSTs. 8pm @ The Knoll (Stanford Campus). CHAMPAGNE PROVIDED, it's a celebration bitches.
Event 10: Wednesday May 7th, 2008--A Faulty Chromosome, E.M.H.U. tour kickoff! w/Half Texan, You're Keith (aka Keith Poulson from The Hunnies)
Event 11: July 4th, 2008...Sophie's Independence Day, aka 21st birthday party--Spirit of Space, Bearclaw, EMHU, Record Breakers
Event 12: August 1st, 2008: Reverse X-Rays/EMHU tour kickoff Black Light Extravaganza w/ Plutonium Farmers, Little Mystery Trail (Christine from Belaire)
Event 13: September 19th, 2008: 8 bit night w/Noggin, Sievert, Lori 16mm, others
Event 14: September 27th, 2008: Theater Fire CD Release w/Theater Fire, Weird Weeds, Some Say Leeland
Event 15: October 6th, 2008 --- relocated to Church of the Friendly Ghost (thx Aaron!) -- Golden Triangle (NYC)
Event 16: October 31st, 2008: Transmography, Rainbow Arabia, Gangi, Always Already, Henna's Siouxese Sioux cover band + EMHU
Event 17: December 10th, Mellow Owl, Martin Crane + Sax Kid, Little Mystery Trail, Josh Permenter
Sayonora Rancho:
Event 18: 20 December @ Stafford (Bryan, TX) - OSCILLATOR 5 - Noggin ft. Maxitron, Bryce Clayton Eiman, Together.We Are Instruments & Skullfucker : electronicnoisegonzoshoegazeavant
27 December @ Revolutions in Bryan, TX - Chexican, Hand Me That Piano, Noggin, Atari Matt, and Great Unwashed Luminaries
24 January @ Revolutions in Bryan, TX - Alyx Pryce w/ Noggin, Wine and Revolution...$5 (don't quote me on that though)
28 January @ La Bodega in College Station, TX - Freddy Sanchez extravaganza w/ Smile Transylvania, Noggin, and it's TOTALLY FREE!!!
07 February 2009 @ Schwauschberry Farms - Planet of the Shapes - DJ Diamond Mine (our very own Edgar Saucepot) and Noggin
14 February 2009 @ Stafford in Bryan, TX - Rocky Horror Picture Show with Real Live Actors and all the culty second script stuff...oh yea and DJs Dagnabbit + Noggin + Alyx Pryce performance
March 4 Airport Bar //\\ March 6 Funk the Box March 7 KVRX Local Live CD Release
SXSW Wednesday--Big Show, 19 bands!!! @ Club 1808, 10:30 AM - 8 PM, 2 stages!, EMHU (10:30 AM), Wild Moccasins (11 AM), The Carrots (11:30 AM), Daniel Francis Doyle (12:00), Air Waves (12:30), Yellow Fever (1:00), Quiet Hooves (1:30), Brazos (2:00), {{{SUNSET}}} (2:30), Pterodactyl (3:00) EAR PWR (3:30), Rad Racket (4:00), Mellow Owl (4:30), Golden Triangle (NYC, not ATX, 5:00), Reverse X Rays (5:30), TBA (6:00), Rainbow Arabia (6:30), Popo (7:00), Dark Meat (7:30)
SXSW Friday--Big Show, 18 bands!!! @ Treasure City Thrift, 11 AM-8 PM, more info TBA, but the following bands will be playing: The Dry Spells, Tune Yards, Maps and Atlases, EMHU, Reverse X Rays, Quiet Hooves, and Whats Up?, POPO, Divided like a saints, sievert, psychedelic horseshit, Real Estate, ddmmyyyy, long legged woman
SXSW Saturday--Big Show, 42 bands!!! @ Moose Lodge, Noon - 1 AM, 4 stages!, Full Lineup TBA, but some of the show is as follows: Fiasco//Grafitti Monsters (noon), EMHU (12:40), Treasure Mammal (1:20), Secret Lights (1:20), The Black (2:00), Little Mystery Trail aka Mediums (2:00), Daniel Francis Doyle (2:40), Rainbow Arabia (2:40), The Have Mercys (3:20), When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (3:20), Canadacoda (4:40), Reverse X-Rays (4:40), Plutonium Farmers (6:00), Geoff Reacher (6:30) Hurray for the Riff Raff (8:00), Golden Triangle (8:30), Mellow Owl (8:30), Theater Fire (9:00), The Blank Tapes (10:00) Talk Normal (10:30), That Ghost (11:00), Alyx Pryce w/ Noggin (12:30 AM) (thanks Polly!)
09 April 2009 - DJs Monte King (SF), Noggin (Texas), Steinunn (Reykjavik) and Leopold (Berlin) @ the Stanford CoHo 7-9 and 10-12...bookending a guest discussion and live mixtape airing with a member of the Kronos Quartet
09 April 2009 - Meg's Forbidden Birthday Party - Moose Lodge - FM Campers, Plutonium Farmers, DJ E.Saucepot - 8pm, free.
13 April 2009 - Cooper Jeffreys and the Mule do electronic honky tonk live on Smule video broadcast at 9pm Central / 7pm PST
24 April 2009 - The Reaction, Alyx Pryce, Wine and Revolution, The Ex-Optimists, The Hangouts, Magic Girl @ Revolutions in Bryan, TX
May 1 - Moose Lodge Steak Night w/Edgar Saucepot DJ set.
8 May 2009 - Sweet DJG, Acid Abe, and DJB Hiney at Back Alley Social Club (formerly Whiskey Bar)
Magic Jewels Peter Panic WYLDPRTY (Nick + Chris, aka WYLD + PRTY) Drum Cats (Stephanie B + Art)
May 27 2010 @ Cheer Up Charlies Flying Turns presented by the Get Down! DJs 10-2am. Free as Fuck.
29 May 2010 @ Seattle Center - Northwest Folklife Festival - Karl Blau feat. Noggin, 'This is our show' K records showcase, and many many more Early show, ~3:45pm @ Center House Theatre. FREE FREE FREE!!!
Friday 11 June - Sunday 13 June 2010 @ Club 1808 Club 1808 DOuble-Elimination Battle of the Bands Signups @ 8pm Friday, festivities @ 9pm. Ultra-happy hour. Bands friday, Dj battles Saturday, finals on Sunday. $5 wristband good for all three days.
Friday 18 June @ K9 in Anacortes, WA The Karl BlauHonky Tonkery BLAU-B-Q + Campfire sing-a-long Weenies ++ beenies encouraged. 6pm - 8pm Monday 21 June @ The Business Anacortes, WA DJ Noggin Crate-Digging Bargain-Bin-Blowout Extravaganza Mssr. Noggin shows up Monday afternoon and starts raiding the 'pay what you want' vinyl bin, chunking bits into the sampler. Music(sic) throughout the exercise, to culminate ~5pm with an improv performance of beats and tunes culled from the afternoons' digging. FREE
La Grange European Tour Tramuntana 2k10 Deutschland » France » España » Portugal Tuesday Aug 3rd BERLIN – Cafe Warschau 22:00 (Reuterstr. at Sonnenallee, Neukölln) Thursday Aug 5th PARIS Friday Aug 6th REIMS Saturday Aug 7th CLERMONT-FERRAND Sunday Aug 8th LYON Monday Aug 9th MARSEILLES Tuesday Aug 10th BARCELONA Wednes Aug 11th BARCELONA Thursday Aug 12th BARCELONA – Inusual Project – C/ La Paloma no.5 – El Raval Friday Aug 13th VALENCIA Saturday Aug 14th CARTAGENA Sunday Aug 15th CARTAGENA Monday Aug 16th CARTAGENA Tuesday Aug 17th CARTAGENA Wednes. Aug 18th MALAGA Thursday Aug 19th MALAGA Friday Aug 20th SEVILLE Saturday Aug 21st-23rd MADRID Tues Aug 24th-28th AMSTERDAM
02 October 2010 @ Zapatos Cantina College Station, TX Smile Transylvania + DJs Dag-Nab-It and Noggin FREE and if someone asks you to pay well it's outdoors so just hang out out there
19 November 2010 @ Rusty Spur - Austin, TX Alyx Pryce + Noggin Double Show FREE
Thursday 09 December @ Stafford Main Street - Bryan, TX Patrick11 + Noggin + Vegenaut + Great Unwashed Luminaries FREE
thats the way you do it dog
ReplyDeletelong live electro