this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This is me on tv <- click on the first video

i have been performing with the newly formed Stanford Laptop Orchestra (SLOrk) these days, and man, it's been a whirlwind. We did our first kind of test gig on Saturday out in the sculpture garden on campus, and it was a surreal experience. 20 laptop/speaker combos spread throughout the forest (a total of 120 speakers + 2 subs), drony computer music, a beautiful day amidst towering totems from New Guinea; i felt like i was in a Japanimation or something.

We had our first 'proper' gig last night in the auditorium here. Asides from the pieces for laptop orchestra alone, there was a couple mixed pieces with acoustic instruments, and even some telematic jamming with performers in Beijing (Terry Riley's 'InC' which, coming from STK instruments, sounded a lot like a casino).

It's been a busy week and it's probably not slowing down, seeing as Maker Faire is this weekend and they want to infiltrate that place as well.

I personally want to thank anyone who came or shared interest, and especially to the other performers in the orchestra. At this point, the thing has a life all it's own.
