this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Slow Touring

I had this idea today for a slow tour. Basically, the idea is take 2 days at every city/stop. Get to meet the people. Have them take you around. This is best during the summer, because you can go swimming every 2 days or so, and that way your body will not atrophy. Also, this gives you time to read a book on tour and practice your instrument.

I was thinking about where in the ideal situation I would like to be. Radiohead is in a pretty good spot, they only tour when they want and they only make albums when they want, and those guys probably consume whatever music they want for as often as they want. They are totally professional. BUT, the thing is the dudes had to tour for 2 years on Pablo Honey, to the point where they felt like they were living in a time warp (I think Thom was the one who I read said that). I don't think I'm interested in making that sort of sacrifice. The answer then is . I'm confident that I'm "real" enough that I'm not going to destroy some sort of rock and roll myth by hanging out with people, and anyways, real interaction is the point anyways.

But first vacation is first. This spring I am taking classes for fun (post graduation)
The lineup reads as follows:

Music of Indonesia
Music of the African Diaspora
Blues Routes
History of Jazz (the one for jazz majors, as opposed to jazz appreciation)

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