this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Today is/was my birthday. The 28th. I'm 22 now. "What did you do for your birthday?" Well I cleaned. So did everyone else in the house, for fucking hours. It looks good in here though. There wasn't a post about the party, but if you don't know, you never will and if you do know, then you know. After cleaning I went to dinner with my family, and then I came back and wrote a song about the Iraq War which I am forgiving myself for just recently getting irrevocably pissed off about, then I went to the Draughthouse and had a beer and then me and Trip went back to his house and listened to Mt. Eerie pts 1-4 and then we listened to Mt. Eerie pts. 5-6. It was special. I've been doing some thinking and while I don't have anything definite laid out, I just want everybody to know that everything bubbling in my head has started clicking and I don't know exactly how, but this next year shit is going down (in a good way), so look forward to it.

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