this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Matt and Kim: W T F

Until today, all I knew of Matt and Kim was the Flosstradamus remix of "Yeah Yeah".

That video has been on like every blog in the world, so I'm sorry, but it's awesome. However, after listening to the Matt and Kim album today, it is apparent that "Yeah Yeah" is their only good song. The rest of the tracks on their album are like throw away Mates of State material.

Since the only song I like has a chorus comprised entirely of the word "Yeah!" I can't really complain about the trite lyrical nature of their songs, but it seems mostly stream of consciousness, uninteresting, and uninspired.

The chord progressions are really simple and are somehow reminiscent of early Get Up Kids songs to me. Some people might think this is a complaint, but this is really the only compliment I can give this album. That it made me want to listen to Four Minute Mile by The Get Up Kids. And also the secret track with Matt saying "Matt and Kim!" over and over and talking about buying donuts was alright.

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