this must be the place....goin strong , yeah baby!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Switched On // No Mas Bodas Gets Married // Special Shit

hey yall

Its warming up out there, nightly temperatures now dipping down only as far as "bearable" and daytime conditions more along the lines of "perfect". And with that, we find our beloved fellow Austin scenesters out in full force this weekend for some very special events. The one last night was the opening party for Switched On, the new synth specialty store of Texas, located precariously near my house at 11th and Waller. I say precariously because I'm not sure the owners are ready for the level of annoyance they may experience when I go in there and play on every. single. one. of. their. synthesizers.

But the place looks incredible. There is a giant custom built video screen with their awesome logo in the front, a TV grid hooked up to a video synthesizer and oscilloscope (open for the public to dick around with last night), all your band needs such as drum heads and drum sticks, a ton of vintage keyboards, a specialty repair shop, and a well curated set of all types of synths. Its nothing short of fabulous. The opening was so well done too....bands first at the store and then later across the street at Victory Grill. It was my first time to get to see SURVIVE since their very first show, the dreadfully fated Pyramid in the back of Matt Schwaush's House Show, which we don't have to talk about here. They sounded great. Pataphysics played really well too, a ton of punk energy on Policeman especially sticks out in my mind.

Also earlier this weekend it was a great honor for Reverse X-Rays to get to be a part of the No Mas Bodas CD Release show at Cheer Up Charlie's (the old ms beas). Our set was perhaps not our best, but No Mas Bodas sounded good to me, and the wedding was fantastic. The 4 way knot was tied, shoes were thrown, gongs rang, aye-yay-yays enunciated like a room full of mad Poncho Villa's, and there was an overall quality dance party as well, not to mention What's Tappenin? a tap group that did a rather basketball halftime show performance at the end. 2 great evenings

Also, in the last couple months worth noting is the passing of The Pillow Queens, one of Austin's finest bands. They rocked extremely hard and their last show at Trailer Space was an emotional affair which I could have told you about in greater detail had I blogged about it at the time. No more misses like that, faithful readers, I pledge to thee!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Haddaway - What Is Love (Music Box remix)


I can't say thanks enough to my sister, The Abster, for the best christmas present ever, a DIY music box.

I love you all

Monday, February 15, 2010

Strafe - Set It Off (remix)

As heard in Aphex Twin's Coachella set from 2008, and Autechre's recent mix for Fact Magzine.

Pretty legit electro right here like they just don't make anymore. For what it's worth, Autechre are some of the sickest DJs around right now... if you haven't heard their 12 hour mix from a couple years ago, well, drive across coast or put the extended Lord of the Rings trilogy on mute and turn your speakers up and get schooled. Mixing amplitudes and frequencies is all good and well, but you haven't heard modern creative DJing until you've heard Minnie Ripperton vocoded with a rasta rise up and rebel speech for the entirety of the track.

Props to you Mr. Spratt for turning me on to this.

I love you all

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I want to thank u 4 steppin' into my life...

Sup Ranchos and Ranchettes, it's been awhile. I've been posting a reggae video a day on the facebook event for Spiked Punch, and I'll probably post them here at some point for reference. But as for now, enjoy this silky smooth video of Dam-Funk unplugged at the piano.